Friday, July 27, 2007


So, as of this morning, I have a new job, one that I'm very excited about and have really been wanting to get. For a while now, I've been working at a book store, but I've a) gotten sick of retail, and b) all of my fun co-workers have left. While I don't think that this job will be bringing me closer to death for just working there, but I think it's just about the only one that I have about employment:

The Chemical Worker's Song (Process Man) - Great Big Sea

Hype - Buy - Look

Thursday, July 26, 2007

On Nature

I've recently read two books that are both somewhat in the environmental field and biology. (I read a lot, and on a lot of different things). The first book is called The Wild Trees, by Richard Preston. In it, he describes the very new field of tree biology and the tree climbers who study the upper regions of the large redwood trees in California. It's got some interesting perspectives on the extent of our own knowledge in that section of biology as well as how little is being done on the science.

The other is called The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman, which, on the surface poses a question: What would happen if humans suddenly vanished from the earth. What would happen to the cities and our buildings? Deeper, the book is a look at exactly what impact humanity has had on the world, for better or worse. It's very similar to another book that I've read, Guns, Germs and Steel, by Jared Diamond, which looks at how nature has influenced humans. At points, there's detailed information on how the cities would vanish - buildings and sidewalks would crumble, forests would return and nuclear power plants would overheat and melt down.

In light of these book recommendations, I can't think of a better song to share, Paint the Tree Green, by Josh Clayton Felt, off his album Inarticulate Nature Boy.

Paint the Tree Green - Josh Clayton-Felt

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Artist Comparison: Chicks With Guitars

Two artists who have a similar sound and tone are Sara Wheeler and Tristian Prettyman. They've both got that acoustic guitar flair, and both have great voices. There's something really cool about their sound with the guitarwork, and both would be really cool playing on stage with each other in a concert someday.

Dreaming - Sara Wheeler

Sara Wheeler is a New England artist, who's relatively difficult to find, although she has recently released a new album, Soleil. Her acoustic guitarwork and voice are a fun match, with a good set of pleasant songs. I discovered Sara Wheeler when she came and played a short concert at my school - I picked up Moonlight Dancers, and have kicked myself for not getting any of her other ones there, because I haven't been able to find her other stuff lately at all.

Love, Love, Love - Tristan Prettyman

Tristan Prettyman likewise has a great acoustic guitar sound and tone, as well as light, poppy lyrics that are much better than most acoustic / pop music out there. This song was featured on the short-lived show Six Degrees, which had a better soundtrack than anything else in the show, and since then, I've really enjoyed Prettyman's voice and lyrics.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Cover & Original

Come Together - The Beatles

The Beatles are one of my favorite bands, let's get that out of the way right now. They've got some of the best songs out there, one of them being this one. It's got such a fun sound and tone that it's hard not to like.

Come Together - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals

Grace Potter is an artist that I'll probably get to in due time, but in the meantime, I was thrilled to find that she covered Come Together at a concert, and was even more thrilled to find that she did a good job with it.

Come Together / Hey Jude - Carbon Leaf

Carbon Leaf's also one of my favorite bands, and like with Grace Potter, I was thrilled to find that they'd covered this song - it's not one of the ones that they usually do, and they've brought not one, but two great songs to your ears.

Monday, July 23, 2007

New Album from José González

According to José González's webpage, he's due out for a new album later this year, on September 26th and will be titled In Our Nature. In addition to the title and date, the site has listed the following tracks that will be on it:

1. How Low
2. Down The Line
3. Killing For Love
4. In Our Nature
5. Teardrop
6. Abram
7. Time To Send Someone Away
8. The Nest
9. Fold
10. Cycling Trivialities

Heartbeats - José González

To Begin

This is something that I've wanted to do for a while, and maybe contribute my own music tastes to the 'net. I've had a chance to visit a number of music blogs over the past year or so, and I've come across some many fine ones, most notably,, which I've gotten a couple of ideas from, and mainly seen that as a guide for how to do that. In addition, has been a valuable resource for tracking down other artists.
While I'll be placing music online, I do not do so to simply give music away. It's not mine to do that with. But, I do put it online so that others might also enjoy it, and with some hope, get some people hooked on the music that I like and thus add to the contributing pool. If you like the music, go buy it from the artist. Any time I put up a link for a song, I'll also put up a link for the album, and the artist's webpage. If you like the band, tell people about them.
Should anyone have a problem with the music that I put up, legally, please send me an e-mail and I will promptly take the song in question down, within a day or so.
In addition, if anyone has any suggestions for songs or anything of that nature, feel free likewise send me an e-mail.

Beginnings, Chicago - Square One, Coldplay - One of These Things First, Nick Drake