Tuesday, August 21, 2007

R.I.P. Rusy Jacobs

I just got an e-mail from my mother - Rusty Jacobs, the founder of a folk band The Wood's Tea Co. has died. This is the second death in the band recently, another long time member died in a motorcycle accident last year, and wasn't replaced for their touring.
Wood's Tea Co. has been a staple of my childhood for as long as I can remember. They came up to Vermont constantly (they were from here) and toured the country extensively in smaller venues, such as town halls, greens and schools.

I really gained an appreciation for their music over the last couple years, and really got into the folk-Irish sound and traditional songs that they always played. Given their recent losses, I'm not sure that I'll ever get to see them live again, which is a very sad thing, because they brought a rich blend of humor and music to the stage and over the past twenty or so years, they've kept it up nicely. Rusy will be greatly missed. Here's the obituary from the Burlington Free Press.

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